
Everglow (燦爛永恆)

作詞:Coldplay    作曲:Coldplay

Oh they say people come, say people go  


this particular diamond was extra special

充滿稜角的人生, 才能如同鑽石般光彩奪目

and though you might be gone, and the world may not know
still I see you, celestial

而你有天也會消散無蹤 , 輕到這世界從沒發現你存在過, 


like a lion you ran, a goddess you rolled
like an eagle you circled, in perfect purple

你像是狂奔的獅子, 挾帶女神降臨的氣勢
如同翱翔的蒼鷹,  有著皇族高貴的輪廓

so how come things move on, how come cars don't slow

為何世界還能繼續運轉? 為何時光列車不肯為我放慢?

when it feels like the end of my world
when I should but I can't let you go

當我感覺我的世界 就快毀滅時

當我該是時候放你走, 卻鬆開不了手

but when I'm cold, cold
When I'm cold, cold


there's a light that you give me when I'm in shadow
there's a feeling you give me, an everglow

你點燃光火指引我 , 當我深陷在陰影之中

有股力量自胸中迸發, 光芒萬丈

like brothers in blood, sisters who ride

你我如同親手足般 , 在人生道路上並肩馳騁

and we swore on that night we'd be friends til we die

我們向彼此承諾, 這份至死不渝的情誼

but the changing of winds, and the way waters flow
life as short as the falling of snow

但隨著命運流轉, 被無情的時光洪流沖散, 生命短促地如同片片飛雪

and now I'm gonna miss you I know

此刻, 我真的好想念你

but when I'm cold, cold


in water rolled, salt

翻騰在白浪中, 嚐盡鹹澀的滋味

I know that you're with me and the way you will show

我知道你就在我身旁, 用你的方式陪伴我

and you're with me wherever I go
and you give me this feeling this everglow

而無論身在何處, 我都心繫著你

因為是你給我這股力量, 恆久地璀璨

what I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold
yeah I live for this feeling this everglow


是啊, 一輩子尋覓 不過就是這種感受

so if you love someone, you should let them know

所以 如果你深愛著某人的話, 你就該讓他明瞭

oh the light that you left me will everglow

你留下的光芒 , 將會永恆璀燦


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